Rumored Canon Camera Roadmap in 2023

Here are the latest rumors on the upcoming Canon Camera Roadmap in 2023.

In 2023, there will be a lot of new Canon cameras to be released. Below is a list of rumored Canon compact cameras, RF mount cameras to be6890 announced in 2023. See the rumored Canon Camera Roadmap below:

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Canon EOS R7C Will be Announced in Late 2023

According to the latest rumors, the new Canon EOS R7C (Cinema EOS version of the Canon EOS R7) mirrorless Cinema Camera may be announced in late 2023.

The new Canon EOS R7C will support 7K60p recording with Cinema RAW Light and will have the same codec options as other Cinema EOS including the EOS R5 C.

The EOS R5 C is considerably larger than the base R5, so the EOS R7 C may be an attractive option for those who want a cinema camera that does not require 8K and is easy to handle. Continue reading “Canon EOS R7C Will be Announced in Late 2023”